############################################################### ## ## This is a _sample_ 'pdfjam.conf' file. ## ## Edit lines below (and un-comment them as necessary) to ## override settings made in the 'pdfjam' script itself. ## (As distributed, the settings made in this file are the ## same as those made in the 'pdfjam' script.) ## ## A file in this format can be used site-wide (as a file named ## "pdfjam.conf", in an appropriate location), or for a specific ## user (as "~/.pdfjam.conf"). User-specific settings override ## site-wide settings. ## ## See 'pdfjam --help' for details, including where to put ## your edited version of this file; or see the file README.md at ## https://github.com/pdfjam/pdfjam ## ############################################################### ## ## UNUSUAL TEX INSTALLATION, OR SPECIFIC LATEX WANTED? ## ## Specify the full path to the 'latex' to be used. ## Examples: # # latex='/usr/bin/pdflatex' ## typical unix installation # latex='/usr/texbin/pdflatex' ## for MacTeX on Mac OS X? # latex='C:/texmf/miktex/bin/pdflatex.exe' ## Windows?? # # latex='/usr/bin/xelatex' ## if you want xelatex # latex='/usr/bin/lualatex' ## if you want lualatex ## ############################################################### ## ## TEMPORARY FILES ## ## Specify the location for temporary files written by pdfjam: tempfileDir='/var/tmp' ## fairly standard on many unix systems # tempfileDir='C:/tmp' ## use something like this under Cygwin? ## ## Should temporary files be deleted immediately by default? tidy='true' ## overridden by '--no-tidy' in the call # tidy='false' ## the alternative ## ############################################################### ## ## USE OF THE 'PDFINFO' UTILITY ## ## Specify whether pdfjam and iconv (resp.) should, by default, ## try to run 'pdfinfo' and 'iconv' (resp.) ## to preserve source document information in the output: keepinfo='false' ## overridden by '--keepinfo' in the call # keepinfo='true' ## the alternative ## ## Specify the 'pdfinfo' program to be used (if any): # pdfinfo='/usr/bin/pdfinfo' ## typical unix system # pdfinfo='/opt/local/bin/pdfinfo' ## Mac OS X with MacPorts ## ## Specify the 'iconv' program to be used (if any): # iconv='/usr/bin/iconv' ## typical unix system # iconv='/opt/local/bin/iconv' ## Mac OS X with MacPorts ## ############################################################### ## ## USE OF 'file -Lb MYFILE' TO CHECK WHETHER A FILE IS A PDF FILE ## ## Should the '--checkfiles' option be used by default? checkfiles='false' ## overridden by '--checkfiles' in the call; # checkfiles='true' ## the alternative ## ############################################################### ## ## DEFAULT PAPER SIZE ## ## Set the default paper size to be used. Examples: # paper='a4paper' ## for ISO A4 paper size # paper='letterpaper' ## for 'US letter' paper size ## ############################################################### ## ## DEFAULT PATH FOR THE --outfile OPTION ## outFile="$pwd" ## the obvious default # outFile="$HOME/Documents" ## (another possibility, perhaps) # outFile=/dev/stdout ## (for easy pipes) ## ############################################################### ## ## OTHER DEFAULTS ## ## Defaults for some other options: ## suffix='pdfjam' ## overridden by '--suffix MYSUFFIX' in the call ## landscape='false' ## overridden by '--landscape' in the call # landscape='true' ## the alternative ## twoside='false' ## overridden by '--twoside' in the call # twoside='true' ## the alternative ## preamble='' ## concatenate other strings to this by using '--preamble' ## # enc='UTF-8' ## overridden by '--enc ENC' in the call # ## ENC must be one of iconv encodings ## ############################################################### ## END OF FILE: that's all you can configure here!