(* Author:         Andrew Trevorrow
   Implementation: University of Hamburg Modula-2 under VAX/VMS version 4
   Date Started:   August, 1986

   Exports the DVI file name and qualifier values given in the PSDVI command
   line.  Syntax checking is done by DCL according to PSDVI.CLD.

   November, 1987 (while at The Open University)
 - Added tfmdir qualifier that indicates the default location of TFM files.
   This allows PSDVI to handle resident PostScript fonts.
 - Added conserveVM qualifier which tells PSDVI to conserve PostScript's
   "virtual memory" at the expense of downloading character bitmaps more often.

   June--August, 1988 (while at Aston University)
 - Added psprefix qualifier that specifies the prefix in TFM file names
   for resident PostScript fonts.
 - Added increment qualifier that allows user to choose every ith page from
   (and including) the first page selected for printing.  Users can easily
   select all odd pages or all even pages (for duplex printing).
 - Added hoffset and voffset qualifiers to allow shifting of page.

   validunits = (in,cm,mm,pc,pt,bp,px);
   stringvalue = ARRAY [0..127] OF CHAR;

   units           (* /UNITS value defines how dimensions will be displayed   *)
      : validunits;
   conserveVM,     (* /CONSERVE_VM indicates to conserve virtual memory       *)
   stats,          (* /STATS indicates to show some statistics                *)
   reverse,        (* /REVERSE indicates to output pages in reverse order     *)
   subrange        (* /PAGES has been used to select a subrange               *)
      : BOOLEAN;
   firstDVIpage,   (* first DVI page number given to /PAGES (0 if TeX page)   *)
   finalDVIpage,   (* final DVI page number given to /PAGES (0 if TeX page)   *)
   increment,      (* /INCREMENT value further restricts page selection       *)
   resolution,     (* /RESOLUTION value defines pixels per inch               *)
   mag,            (* /MAGNIFICATION value replaces DVI mag; 0 = use DVI mag  *)
   paperwd,        (* /XSIZE value defines paper width; converted to pixels   *)
   paperht         (* /YSIZE value defines paper height; converted to pixels  *)
      : CARDINAL;
   hoffset,        (* /HOFFSET value is horizontal shift in pixels            *)
   voffset         (* /VOFFSET value is vertical shift in pixels              *)
      : INTEGER;
   firstTeXpage,   (* first TeX page specification given to /PAGES            *)
   finalTeXpage,   (* final TeX page specification given to /PAGES            *)
   psprefix,       (* /PSPREFIX value defines TFM files for PostScript fonts  *)
   tfmdir,         (* /TFM_DIRECTORY value defines location of TFM files      *)
   fontdir,        (* /FONT_DIRECTORY value defines location of font files    *)
   dummyfont,      (* /DUMMY_FONT value defines dummy font file               *)
   header,         (* /HEADER value defines header file prefixed to output    *)
   PSname,         (* /OUTPUT value gives expicit name to PostScript output   *)
   DVIname         (* DVI file specification                                  *)
      : stringvalue;

(* If ch is in 'a'..'z' then return capitalized version, else return ch. *)

END Options.