-+ Kernel Image List +-
 These are the kernels for you can use when booting this CD:
    adaptec.s   -      Supports most Adaptec SCSI and RAID controllers.
    ataraid.i   -      bare.i with support for ATA RAID chipsets.
    bare.i      -      The generic no-SATA IDE/ATAPI kernel.
    bareacpi.i  -      bare.i with support for ACPI.
    ibmmca.s    -      Supports old IBM Microchannel (PS/2) machines.
    jfs.s       -      bare.i with support for IBM's JFS and AIC7xxx.
    old_cd.i    -      Supports very old CD drives.
    pportide.i  -      Supports parallel-port disks and CD drives.
    raid.s      -      Kernel with support for Compaq Smart Array, Mylex
                       DAC960, AcceleRAID, and eXtremeRAID controllers.
    sata.i      -      Default kernel with SATA and PATA (IDE) support.
    scsi.s, scsi2.s, scsi3.s:  Support various SCSI controllers.
    speakup.s   -      bare.i with Speakup speech and Adaptec AIC7xxx SCSI.
    huge26.s    -      A loaded 2.6 kernel (requires modules from /extra)
    test26.s    -      A loaded 2.6 kernel (needs modules from /testing)
    xfs.s       -      bare.i with support for SGI's XFS and Adaptec
                       AIC7xxx support.  *NO* ext2/ext3/reiserfs!
Other kernels on this disk might be usable if you enter the $PATH to them.
Please enter your kernel choice below.